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May Newsletter

Posted on: May 11th, 2021

Stand Up Straight: Poor Posture Can Harm Your Health • Scerbo Physical  Therapy

Sit Up Straight: Why Good Posture Matters

Working on your posture is one of the easiest things you can do to improve your overall wellbeing. Posture affects more than you might think. Not only does bad posture hurt your back, it can also affect your mood, ability to concentrate and energy level.

What does good posture do?

When you sit or stand with correct posture, it naturally puts less stress on your musculoskeletal system. Standing or sitting in a neutral position rather than hunching means that you don’t strain your hips, shoulders, neck, back or torso. As a result, you put less pressure on your bones, joints and ligaments. You also reduce the chance of developing tension headaches.

Having good posture also makes it easier to breathe in fully, which allows you to better utilize oxygen that helps you focus and stay energized. Sitting upright allows your body to digest food better as well. Not only that, posture can make you feel better about yourself, due to the fact that you look more confident standing tall. Proper posture can even make you appear thinner, since your weight will be distributed better.

Why do we have bad posture?

In many cases, poor posture simply starts as a bad habit. We’re always told to sit up straight as kids, but it’s easy to forget the importance. Sitting, standing and walking with better posture also requires a conscious effort. Unless you form a habit, it’s hard to remember your posture when there are other things to think about.

However, poor posture isn’t always a bad habit. According to Harvard Health, there are several physical reasons that you might not be able to achieve good posture all the time. First, having an inflexible muscle might limit your range of motion no matter how hard you try to correct your posture. And second, having weak core muscles means you’re more likely to slump.

How to Improve Posture

Most of us could work on our posture, whether it’s due to a bad habit or muscles that are weak or inflexible. The good news is that you can correct issues by doing balancing exercises and workouts that strengthen your core muscles. Getting a chiropractic adjustment can also help alleviate any stiffness that may be to blame for your bad posture.

It’s also important to learn what good posture is supposed to look like. When standing, have your hips and knees even, and distribute your weight equally on both feet. Focus on having a neutral spine and even shoulders, meaning you shouldn’t flex one way or the other to arch your lower back. 

If you want to take it a step farther, there are also a number of products that promise a quick fix for your bad posture. It might be tempting to try one of these, however, a posture-correcting miracle product shouldn’t be the first or only thing you try. Don’t discount the benefits of chiropractic adjustments, an exercise regimen, and even daily stretching before or after work.

(source: premierhealthmn.com)


Kamrey Update
Kamrey is officially 11 months old, getting so close to her first birthday! We want to continue giving you a little update along with a few of her favorite things since most of you see this little lady around the office…
  • she loves mac and cheese
  • her teeth are coming in faster than she can chew
  • her favorite words are “this” and “that”
  • she also loves to growl like a lion
The winner of our monthly giveaway is… Claire M.


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  • Check-In on Facebook = 5 tickets
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  • Give Us Your Testimonial  = 15 tickets
We are running a NEW PATIENT SPECIAL all month long! Refer friends and family and they’ll get their first adjustment and exam for only $79! 

*Pricing subject to change if filing through insurance but will not exceed $79. 
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