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April Newsletter

Posted on: April 7th, 2021

7 Habits of Highly Healthy People - Ora Fitness & Yoga

Spring into Health

Spring is finally here! We can enjoy warm air, bright sunshine, and colorful flowers. Springtime is a refreshing time of year, and unless you’ve been maintaining regular chiropractic care, your body might not be ready for it! Maybe you ate a bit too much during winter or avoided exercise. Perhaps your muscles and tendons are tight from trying to keep warm. Whatever your situation might be, it’s not too late to enjoy the benefits of chiropractic care and spring into great health.


Warmer temperatures means getting outside, and when we enjoy the outdoors, we are more likely to be active. Whether it is more exercise, more sports, or more walks and hikes, activity tends to pick up in the spring. All that activity is definitely a good thing, but it could also mean some pain if your body isn’t prepared. Chiropractors are able to keep restrictions away from the spine, which will help prevent tension and pain. Regular chiropractic adjustments will keep your body prepared for new activity while maintaining great health.


As we enjoy more time outdoors during the spring season, many of us also suffer from allergies. Did you know that chiropractic care can actually help with allergies? Anytime you work on improving the health of your spine, you also help improve the health of your central nervous system, thus the immune system. When your immune system works efficiently, it may be better able to fight off allergies. Allergies are an overreaction of your immune system, so keeping this body system strong and healthy will benefit you.


Most people think of chiropractors as back or neck doctors, but the truth is that chiropractic can benefit many parts of your health. Improved flexibility, pain reduction, better concentration, fewer headaches, and an immune system boost are just the beginning! Because of these many benefits, any time is a great time for chiropractic. Spring is especially great, as you are ready to get back in the swing of things and shake off the winter blues.

Our team wants to provide you and your family with the best care possible. Springtime is a great time to add new healthy changes into your routine. With chiropractic care, you can get your health moving in the right direction!

(source: healthylifechiropractic.com)


Kamrey Update
Kamrey is officially 10 months old and loving every minute of it! We wanted to continue giving you a little update along with a few of her favorite things since most of you see this little lady around the office…
  • she loves pears and chicken
  • she has eight teeth… that’s right EIGHT 
  • her favorite words are “this” and “that”
  • she also loves waving “hi” and “bye”
The winner of our monthly giveaway is…  Hunter D.


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